For this blog, I took the critiques that my peer reviewer had and re-shot some scenes. One problem that the peer reviewer noted was that some scenes didn’t go together perfectly. For example, in the scene where Michelle was finding Naelys, it was filmed twice. One by myself as the actor and the next by my partner as the actor. When going over the clips, the beginning of my partners was better than mine. The ending of mine was better than hers therefore, I put them together there were some parts that needed to be edited together better. another problem that my peer reviewer pointed out was that the car scene was too dark. that makes sense because we initially just used the light of A streetlamp. When we re-shot the same scene we decided to use the light that comes from the car and the flashlight on the phone to help brighten up the location. after seeing how well this turned out, we decided to reshoot some other scenes using the same method. we had a scene where we show the bat being dragged across the floor. to put more light on the bat One of the actors and I flashed our light on it while my partner dragged the bat across the floor. this helped with our overall visibility. I decided to transfer the video onto my computer and to test the visibility of the scenes I watched it near a window. after re-shooting a scene I would do this so we could adjust the lighting as we go. another thing that we focused on was improving our sound. When initially shooting all the dialogue was recorded through voice memos on our phone. when putting together the scenes I put the voices over the take. However, when listening to it later it ended up sounding like voiceovers, Which makes the scene sound artificial and a bit tacky. therefore when we started re-shooting we made sure that we spoke loud enough so the dialogue would be heard over the ambient sounds and the soundtrack that was going to be put over the film. I said before we did avoid filming with a tripod. However, after speaking with our peer reviewer, they mentioned that for certain scenes it would be better to use a tripod purely for steady purposes. so for one of the scenes where Michelle is walking out into the darkness, instead of it being a handheld shot we shot it on the tripod. Well, this didn’t really do much to help our storyline we didn’t notice the difference it made in the film. however, because the rest of the shots were handheld shots that seem to be still wouldn’t really match the rest of the scenes that we had already filmed.
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