Splice from Watch The Titles
How many titles are displayed during the open sequences of the film?
In the opening sequence of Splice, 24 titles were shown. Some embedded into parts of the sequence while some just appear.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The sequence seems to take place in a human-like body. The veins are the main focus of the sequence. There is no definite image, like a full body or face, shown.
What connotations do the images carry?
The dark images that showed in the sequence gave off very eerie feelings. They show only a glimpse as to what the film would be about.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The genre of the movie Splice is a thriller. The low lighting and blurry view leave the audience with curiosity about the plot of the movie. The music also helps reinforce the genre. The music's deep note and varying increases and decreases of volume also manage to build suspense.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
As mentioned before, the blurry, dark lighting and suspenseful music give the audience a good feel for the genre of the movie. The use of the irregular font catches the attention of the audience because this is something new. The constant motion of pulsing from the camera makes the audience feel like the movement happening in the opening sequence is supposed to be them. The blurry screen and bubbles from underwater make it seem like the opening sequence isn't just title screens put together but a connection to the plot of the movie. As a person who has never seen this movie before, the opening sequence seems really eerie to me yet it draws me in to know more.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The film doesn't really do much to appeal to thriller fans. The opening sequence was really simple therefore the low lighting and suspenseful music can give the thriller fans what they are looking for. The cameras' nonstop motion gave off a distortion feel to reinforce the fact that this film will be a thriller.
How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions, and editing techniques.
This sequence used technology for the whole opening. This opening was an animation of some kind so technology played a big part. The editors really used what they had to make the opening as eerie as possible. The names that were revealed were not in the regular font but seemingly engraved in the body that us, the audience, was traveling through.
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