How many titles are displayed during the open sequences to the film?
In the opening sequences of the film, there was a total of 31 titles displayed.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The images prioritized in the opening sequence are based on significance. By simply viewing the titles,one can conclude that the Hodgsons are going to be important to the film (possibly the protagonists). The Warrens are featured early on as well, so they may be important to the film as well. In contrast, there is an image of a priest shown around the middle so he may not be as important as the Warrens or Hodgsons. Studies show that people are less likely to remember things presented in the middle,which may explain the priest's significance in the film.
What connotations do the images carry?
The Hodgsons seem like a nice family and there is an image of them with their children. This may lead one to believe that the Hodgsons aren't up to anything sinister, so they are likely to be the protagonists. Meanwhile, there is an evil-looking nun shown to be the very last image of the opening sequence. We are meant to remember the nun, which is why she fades in and out slower than the other images in the opening.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The genre is reinforced mainly reinforced through visual keys that induce a tense premonition. The film title designer uses constant flashing on images that will be significant later in the film with a vintage looking filter. Regardless of whether you're an avid thriller film viewer on not, one can assume that the film is a thriller simply by looking at the titles. None of the images in the title are bright and pleasant, so it leads you to assume that the film will not be very pleasant either.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The film does not establish an enigma. There is nothing mysterious or difficult to understand from just viewing the opening sequence.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The target audience of the Conjuring series tends to like real thrillers that contain lots of mystery and suspense. The film title designer achieves this goal through using vintage looking filters to achieve the look of mystery. Then the "suspense" part comes when you see the scary nun at the very end of the opening sequence.
How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.
The opening sequence for this film is entirely digital. The technology was the main and most essential instrument. Every angle and transitions are done by putting the scenes together and making them have an impact. The editing is used to tell a story and the parts that are sped up help the audience understand the whole concept of the movie.
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